Category: Homework
Homework – How does Shakespeare presents Caesar’s assassination?
Caesar’s gets assassinated by the conspirators in Act 3 Sc 1. His death ends with a series of stabbing with him seeing Brutus last. Shakespeare uses Caesar’s hubris, in this scene, to present his impeding death. Caesar’s hubris, within the time he is in the play, grows and at this point it reaches its pinnacle,…
Easter Holiday Homework ; Write
King Duncan has being murdered! He has been stabbed in his sleep, in his own room. Within the Castle walls there is a traitor,there is a conclusion that there is a murderer in the mist, a killer amongst us because our King has no enemies within the lands of Scotland, and however it seems that…
Creative Writing. Plan and write a scene from ‘Life Of Pi’ as Richard Parker
I’ve somehow ended up in a lifeboat, under the covered part of the lifeboat, I have actually been on this lifeboat for sometime shortly after the shipwrecking of the Japanese designed and made ship.It was a total catastrophe. I lost everything in that shipwreck, all my friends and family that were on the boat.Wait…I can…
Investigative Journalism Homework 1
Generating my question My question is ‘why do people get more angry than others ?’. Answer Well,the reason why is that those who are easily angered generally have what a low tolerance for frustration, or might overreact to many unnecessary incidents during their daily business. Some of them, get angry and can not control their anger then they…