Category: Communication

  • Translation

    ACTUAL: ”I fear too early, for my mind misgives fears Some consequence yet hanging in the stars still Shall bitterly begin his fearful date 1.4.115 With this night’s revels, and expire the term party, end the life Of a despised life closed in my breast my hated life By some vile forfeit of untimely death.…

  • Metaphor paragraph

    The metaphor in the extract is “The doors of breath, seal with a righteous kiss“. Here, he is talking to Juliet as he draws his last breath, siping the drug. He has given up on God. The metaphor tells you that the doors of breath is her lips and seal with a righteous kiss is…

  • Metaphor Analysis

    Your task is to identify the metaphor present in the following excerpt and then write a paragraph that explains the metaphor and its effect on the meaning of the passage it is embedded in.   ROMEO: From this world-wearied flesh. Eyes, look your last! Arms, take your last embrace! and, lips, O you The doors…

  • Decisions

    My choices are 1) Analytic Essay 2) dramatic monologue 3) Film a scene

  • Romeo and Juilet timeline

    Act 1- Scene 1-Sunday morning , public place Sampson and Gregory-armed- enter . They are having a normal conversation. They spot Abram and Balthasar from the other house. They start arguing with Sampson and Gregory asking for a fight. Benvolio enters, breaks up the argument . Tybalt enters, they break out fighting. Enter prince, Montague…

  • This is Your Online Domain

      Hello and welcome to your personal online journal. This platform has been created to enhance and enrich your learning at the London Nautical School. Its purpose is to provide you with an audience for your work (or work-in-progress) and you have the choice (by altering the ‘visibility’ of your posts) of whether your work…