Chapter 6 summary

In the chapter Dill, Jem and Scout decide to go on a ‘walk’in the middle of the night and end up in the Radley’s yard attempting to enter the house in order to look at Boo Radley. Resulting in Dill having to lie to the elders of Maycomb society that they were playing ‘strip’ poker at Miss Rachel’s fish pool, instead of telling the truth that it was them who were trespassing in the Radley’s property, also that they were the ones that Mr Radley shot at.

However, Dill had told the lie to cover up the truth for numerous reasons, one could being social contracts and relationships. Jem quotes“Atticus ain’t ever whipped me since I can remember. I wanta keep it that way.” This illustrates that in order for Jem to keep that maternal relationship with Atticus Jem had to go and grab his pants from the fence, in addition saying that Atticus has never whipped me shows that their relationship has been stable.






One response to “Chapter 6 summary”

  1. jnorth Avatar

    This is a well developed chapter inquiry that skilfully embeds quotations to sort your argument and show analysis. Good job.

    1) Re-read your first paragraph, you have left out a detail that is important to your sequence of events; what is it?
    2) Avoid using the verb ‘quotes’ – you are using quotations, the characters are speaking, these are different actions and require different verbs
    3) learn the difference between maternal and paternal

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