Feb 25 2013

Romeo and Juliet Assessment Results

Over-All grade: INCOMPLETE: 6C

  1. Film: Not yet assessed
  2. Timeline: 6A – Detailed and insightful
  3. Dramatic Monologue: 6C – Well-prepared presentation delivered with clarity and some awareness of the character’s thoughts and feelings
  4. Essay:
    • Reading Grade: 6C – Clear appreciation of some of the lingustic, stylistic, generic and historical context of the play. Occasional lapses in accuracy in understanding of plot intricacies (for example, the Capulet party is not an engagement party)
    • Writing Grade: 5A – Well structured, with lapses in style where you directed rhetorical questions at the reader. Sometimes your strong ideas were expressed with a little too much assumption of knowledge on the part of your reader.

Feb 4 2013

Investigative Journalism Homework 1

Generating my question

My question is ‘why do people get more angry than others ?’.


Well,the reason why is that those who are easily angered generally have what a low tolerance for frustration, or might overreact to many unnecessary incidents during their daily business. Some of them, get angry and can not control their anger then they just let it burst subsequently, letting it out over small things. Eventually, all the anger builds up, after they can’t stop it. Why? They might get bored, might be in their genes, family background or sociocultural.